
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus

Pictures by Ray Tipper - More about Ray...

Osprey 1


Widely distributed across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, the Osprey is one of the most dramatic of the Algarve’s large raptors. Strikingly patterned in brown and white its distinctive plumage makes identification straightforward. It is a regular passage migrant and winter visitor to the Algarve and should be looked for wherever there are large bodies of water e.g. Castro Marim nature reserve, Canal de Tavira, Ludo, the Alvor Estuary and Lagoa dos Salgados.

Osprey 2
Commencing a successful dive

With luck you might witness one in an exhilarating high , splashing feet first into the water to catch dive a sizeable fish and carry it away to a regular feeding perch.

Enjoy a Birdwatching day with Ray...

Ray Tipper Picture licence enquiry...

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