Our growing range of ebooks is available in Kindle format (and some titles now also iin paperback format) via Amazon. Author royalties help keep the First Nature website online and free of intrusive advertising).Click on pictures below for details.
Crumbs of Comfort
Anarchic Anthology short stories
Wild Orchids of Wales
Wild Orchids of the Algarve
Wild Orchids in the Burren
Wildflowers in the Algarve
Winding River Mystery 1
Winding River Mystery 2
Winding River Mystery 3
Frazzle, a fantasy novel
We no longer produce printed books via First Nature, but some of our books are now available in paperback format printed by Amazon).
(We donated our remaining stock of First Nature books to raise money for environmental charities including Plantlife, the Wild Trout Trust and national botanical gardens in the UK and in Portugal.)