Crumbs of Comfort
The Simple Pleasures of Baking
by Sue Parker
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Ebook edition, published August 2024, only £3.95.

"A beautifully illustrated, practical guide to making bread.. Great value!"
Book Details
The current fashion for artisanal foods has sparked great interest in both ancient and modern methods of making bread. In recent years there have also been many technical innovations - the air fryer, for example - and our understanding of nutrition has made great strides forward.
Sue Parker has made food sustainability and nutritional quality the foundations of her six decades of professional and home cooking experience. In this book, Sue combines a lifetime of learning with the best of traditions from the UK and abroad.
Equipment, ingredients, and methods of preparation are described and explained clearly with step-by-step illustrations and examples of the finished products. A special feature of Crumbs of Comfort is Sue Parker's adaptations of traditional recipes for using leftover or stale bread to produce classic puddings.
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Review comments:
A real tour de force!'
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About the Author

Sue Parker's love of cooking stems from her childhood, when from an early age she helped her mother in the kitchen. Drawing on six decades of learning and practical experience, Sue has published several dozen newpaper and magazine articles on sustainable living. A passion for healthy food and value for money has led Sue to pursue both quality and variety in the recipes that she has devised and adapted for this book
Sue's other big passion comes from a life-long love of wildflowers, and wild orchids in particular. She has published several books on this and other wildlfife and ecology topics.
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